In some moments can be necessary use a tape driver to recovery you system rather of network, you can transfer your make_net_recovery archive to a tape. It is important that the archive fits onto a single tape.
Creating the LIF header (Boot Header)
# /usr/bin/cd /var/opt/ignite/clients/HOSTNAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER/recovery/2002-03-12,09:00
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_medialif \-f system_cfg -f control_cfg -f archive_cfg \-C "2002-03-12,09:00 HOSTNAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER recovery image" \-a -l /var/tmp/my_lif
Now modify the LIF file to set it up for use on the tape:
# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -d -F /var/tmp/my_lif > /var/tmp/cfg
Edit the /var/tmp/cfg file and add the following lines to the end of the file:
Or, if you just want the recovery to proceed without any interaction, make
run_ui FALSE
andspecify to allow warnings, as shown in the following:
control_from_server=FALSErun_ui=FALSEenv_vars += "INST_ALLOW_WARNINGS=10"Then, issue the following command:
# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -F /var/tmp/my_lif -f /var/tmp/cfg
Writing the LIF Header and the network recovery archive onto tape
Create a DDS1 device file if you do not have one already. A DDS1 device file is compatiblewith most tape drives:
# /usr/sbin/ioscan -fCtape
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
tape 0 8/16/5.6.0 stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP C1533A
# /usr/sbin/mksf -v -H 8/16/5.6.0 -b DDS1 -n –a
This will create the device file, /dev/rmt/c1t6d0DDS1n, for example.
Rewind the tape and write the LIF Header and the archive onto the tape:
# /usr/bin/mt -t /dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n rew
# /usr/bin/dd if=/var/tmp/my_lif of=/dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n obs=2k# /usr/bin/dd \if=/var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives/sys1/2002-03-12,09:00of=/dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n obs=10k
Then rewind the tape again:
# /usr/bin/mt -t /dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n rew
Creating a Bootable Recovery Tape with a make_net_recovery archive
Labels: make_net_recovery
Creating a make_net_recovery Archive - Command Line
This binary is part of Ignite-UX product.
I will some examples to explain how make_net_recovery works:
Archiving only essential core OS files
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -s <Ignite_server>
Archiving the complete root VG
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -Av -s <Ignite_server>
Archiving the complete root VG to a different archive location
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -Av -a host:/archive_server:archive_directory_path -s <Ignite_server>
Archiving complete VGs/disks and including and excluding files and directories
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -x inc_entire=vg00 -x inc_entire=vg01 -s <Ignite_server>
-x include=file|dir:
Includes the file or directory in the recovery archivebut does not cross any mount points.
-x inc_cross=file|dir:
Includes the file or directory in the recovery archiveand crosses mount points to access any directories that are mounted or filescontained in directories that are mounted.
-x exclude=file|dir:
Excludes the file or directory from the archive. Whena directory is specified, no files beneath that directory will be stored in thearchive.
Archiving choosing the archive contents in interactive mode
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery –i -s <Ignite_server>
to run interactively to allow you to select whichfiles and directories are to be included in the recovery archive.
You can make the OS backup using others options like make_tape_recovery
(the destination of your backup will be a tape driver and this subject
is not covered here).
Labels: make_net_recovery, make_tape_recovery
Creating a swap device
1 -Create a logical volume:
#lvcreate -L "xxM" -n "myswap" -C y -n "name"(optiona) /dev/vgXX
-L = size
-n = name of new swap device
-C y = the record will be contiguous.
/dev/vgXX = your vg
2 - Enable the logical volume as swap:
#swapon -f /dev/vgXX/myswap
Labels: Swap
Changing the timestamp of a file
The process is simple, use the follow command:
# touch MMDDhhmmYY filename
Labels: File
create a file with a specified size
In some situations can be necessary create a file using a specified space, you can do it that with the follow command:
# prealloc filename size(bytes)
Labels: File
TIMEZONE - some concepts
In some application environments, it is important that application server components use the same time zone, follow some concepts..
/etc/TIMEZONE --> set GMT
example, changing the tz to no-daylight
TZ=MST7MDT change it to TZ=MST7
/usr/lib/fztab--> this file determines when the daylight is turn on/off (day of year)
The first six are integer patterns that
specify the minute (0-59), hour (0-23), day of the month (1-31), month
of the year (1-12), year (1970-2038), and day of the week (0-6, with
if TZ=null, then TZ was set to EST5DST by default. Make a look on your file.
# cat /etc/default/tz
You can change it through set_parms:
# /sbin/set_parms timezone
Find which disk the system boot
# ll /dev/disk | grep $(echo "bootdev/x"|adb /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem | awk '/0x/ {print substr($1,5)}')
This is an example for the output:
brw-r----- 1 bin sys 1 0x000003 Oct 12 2010 disk1_p2
If it doesn’t work, try grepping in /dev/dsk (and your system is probably a 11.23)
Se não funcionar tente através do "/dev/dsk" (possívelmente você esteja usando 11.23)
Labels: Boot
Looking for WWPN
Check the device with ioscan:
# ioscan -fnCfc
Use fcmsutil to get the "World Wide Name":
# fcmsutil /dev/td1 | grep World
Extending a filesystem
You can resize on line your filesystems just if your box has OnLineJFS.First of all verify if you have installed in your box OnLineJFS:
# swlist -l product | grep -i vxfs
# swlist -l product | grep -i online
Verify the free space:
Use the follow equation to calculate your free space:
((PE size * Free PE)/cur pv)=Free size to use in MB
Use the follow two commands just if you have OnLineJFS
#lvextend -L 800 /dev/vgXX/lvolY (extend logical volume rlvolY by 800MB)
#fsadm -F vxfs -b 800M /mountpointname (use fsadm to extend or extendfs when are not using JFS)
If you have OnLineJFS that's all :) but if you don't have it.. continue with the next steps :)
#lvextend -L 300 /dev/vg00/FILESYSTEM //where 300MB will be your new size
#extendfs -F vxfs /dev/vg00/rFILESYSTEM
If you are using samba:
stop the samba before process
You can do the same process through SMH (http://server:2381)
Look for OnlineJFS or AdvJournalFS
Labels: Filesystem
How to mount/create a "filesystem"
First of all you need to install "MemFS_B.11.31.03_HP-UX_B.11.31_IA_PA" (11.31) or "MemFS_mega-11iv2" product.
Check though swlist if you have installed in your system:
# swlist -l product | grep -i memfs
If you don't have this product installed in your system you can download it trough software.hp.
This FS is sometime used for temporary DBs when you need fast IO, remember if the server halt your data will be lose.
# mount -F memfs -o user=USER,group=GROUP,size=100mb,mode=775 /memfs1
"-F memfs" is a mandatory parameter, is recommended use in the least "-o size=100mb" or the size of your FS will be defined according your swap size.
This is an example of a fstab entry:
memfs /tempdbmem memfs size=100mb,user=USER,group=GROUP,mode=0775 0 2
Sar has a version that lets you do an analysis focused on memfs.
I tested this MemFS using as a tempdb for Sybase and the return is very good but I recommend read the full documentation before to apply in your environment.
Labels: MemFS
How to create a filesystem
Creating a filesystemYou can do that through the sam (logical volumes) or command line
Create the mount point
# mkdir path_of_your_mount_point
Create a logical volume
lvcreate -m 1 -L size(in MB) -n lvname VG
Use "-m 1" if you have a mirror.
Format the fs using vxfs
# newfs -F vxfs [ -o largefiles ] /dev/vg00/rnome (use the raw name)
Use "-o largefiles" if you need create files greater than 2gb.
Mount the fs
# mount /dev/vg/lvname /mount_point
Add this filesystem on fstab using mount options as necessary for you.
Labels: Filesystem
MC ServiceGuard - Debug logging
Use the cmsetlog to change the log severity, changing it to the most verbose log level (in all log categories):
# cmsetlog 5
You can restrict for log categories:
# cmsetlog –M NET –M REM 6
In this case network and remote comunication will be restrict, check the full list of log categories on man pages.
Use the cmsetlog if you want change the log location, this can help you to analyze and don't forget with high log lever greater 3 your syslog will increase the size.
# cmsetlog -f /tmp/MCSG.log
The debug logging is automatically stopped and reset to default once the cluster halted. Toreset the debug logging to default modules, categories and loglevel on a running cluster,simply use the command:
# cmsetlog -r
If the ‘-f <file>’ option has been used with cmsetlog to redirect logging to another file, youshould re-direct it back to syslog.log with the command:
# cmsetlog -s
Debug logging for Advanced Tape Services (ATS) with stsetlog
stsetlog is an undocumented command that enables debug logging for the ATS feature of SG. The usage is:
# stsetlog <level>
Level can be in the range of 0 to 6, where 6 is the most verbose level that also logs themessages sent by ATS. To disable debug logging use “
# stsetlog 0
The default logfile for ATS debug logging is
This procedure you can use just with the cluster on line therefore you can't use if you have problems to start the cluster.
Labels: MC ServiceGuard
MC ServiceGuard - Reasons for TOC
Transfer of Control (TOC)
MCSG will TOC a system in order to release system resources and to ensure data integrity. There are several scenarios in which MCSG will TOC a system. They are:
Checking that:
# cmviewconf
Cluster information:cluster name: testcluster
version: 0
flags: 12 (single cluster lock)
heartbeat interval: 1.00 (seconds)
node timeout: 8.00 (seconds)
heartbeat connection timeout: 16.00 (seconds)
auto start timeout: 600.00 (seconds)
network polling interval: 2.00 (seconds)
first lock vg name: /dev/vglock
second lock vg name: (not configured)
Cluster Node information:Node ID 1:
Node name: node1
first lock pv name: /dev/dsk/c0t4d4
first lock disk interface type: c720
Network ID 1:
mac addr: 0x080009fd4375
hardware path: 8/16/6
network interface name: lan0
subnet mask:
ip address:
flags: 1 (Heartbeat Network)
bridged net ID: 1
# lanscan
Hardware Station Crd Hdw Net-Interface NM MAC HP-DLPI DLPI
Path Address In# State NamePPA ID Type Support Mjr#
8/16/6 0x080009FD4375 0 UP lan0 snap0 1 ETHER Yes 119
8/8/2/0 0x00108318AFEE 2 UP lan2 snap2 2 ETHER Yes 119
8/8/1/0 0x00108318AFED 1 UP lan1 snap1 3 ETHER Yes 119
# cmscancl -n node -o /tmp/scan.log
Check the "link-level connectivity" in the log.
msg in the log:
Serviceguard: Unable to maintain contact with cmcld daemon.Performing TOC to ensure data integrity.
You can confirm TOC searching in the /etc/shutdownlog for something like that..
18:23 Thu Apr 24 2003. Reboot after panic: SafetyTimer expired, ...
Labels: MC ServiceGuard
User ADM - Admin operations
Create a new user
# useradd -m -s /usr/bin/ksh -g primary_group -G seconday_group user
(just the user name is mandatory)
Change the secondary group of a user
# usermod -G secondary_group user
Change the primary group of a user
# usermod -g primary_group user
Removing a user
# userdel user
# userdel -r user
(Remove the home directory too)
Create a new group
# groupadd group
Changing a group name
# groupmod -n groupname newgroupname
Command to remove a group
# groupdel groupname
Check integrity of /etc/passwd
# pwck
Check integrity of /etc/group
# grpck
changing a user passwd
# passwd user
Setting a null password for a user
# passwd -d user
Force to change the passwd in the next login
# passwd -f user
Lock a user account
# passwd -l user
# /usr/lbin/modprpw -l -x user
Unlock a user account
# passwd -u user
# /usr/lbin/modprpw -l -k user
Passwd reset
# /usr/lbin/modprpw -x user
Reset passwd age
# /usr/lbin/modprpw -v user
Labels: Quick References
EMC PowerPath - Quick Reference
Show powermt command version
# powermt version
Display PowerPath configuration
# powermt display
Add a new disk in HP-UX
Adding the new disks to SO
# ioscan -fnCdisk
If you are using the 11iv2 you need to create the special files manually:
# insf -C disk
Add the new disks to powerpath
# powermt config
# powermt display dev=all
Save the new configuration:
# powermt save
Check for death paths and remove them
# powermt display
# powermt check
This command will confirm you if the failed paths can be removed (Y)
List All devices
# powermt display dev=all
Remove All devices
# powermt remove dev=all
Labels: Powerpath, Quick References
Dynamic Root Disks (DRD) - mounting a copied disk and apply patches in this disk
This command will mount your copied disk:
# drd mount
You can umount using the same command but replacing the "mount" word for "umount" (oh really???)
Check it:
# vgdisplay drd00
# bdf
Apply the paches:
# drd runcmd swinstall -s /tmp/patches.depot
-s = full path of your paches
Check a installed patche:
# drd runcmd swlist patches
Off topic:
Follow another good command to use together "drd runcmd".
The DRD-safe commands are the following:
swm job
Active your new image:
# drd activate
Labels: DRD
Dynamic Root Diks (DRD) - clonning a hp-ux system on line
Using that feature you can clone on line your hp-ux system, clone your hp-ux guests (HPVM) and the target disk can be a SAN disk or a normal disk.
Follow a fast exaplanation to how to clone a system.
The fisrt step is test if your target disk is large enought for a DRD:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd clone –p –v –t /dev/dsk/cxtxdx
(if you are using 11iv3 you must use the disk name in this format: "/dev/disk/diskX")
Creating the Clone:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd clone -v -x overwrite=true -t /dev/dsk/c1t2d0
(if you are using 11iv3 you must use the disk name in this format: "/dev/disk/diskX")
-t = target disk
-v = verbose mode
-x = it's self explanatory..
log file:
Check the clone and original disk status
drd status command is executed to verify the clone disk and the original disk:
# /opt/drd/bin/drd status
Labels: DRD
How to validate Serviceguard configuration?
Use the follow command pointing to configuration file
cmcheckconf –P <configuration file.conf>
Labels: MC ServiceGuard
Check Serviceguard version
through swlist
swlist -l product ServiceGuard
through "what"
what /usr/lbin/cmcld
Labels: MC ServiceGuard
MC Serviceguard - Quick Reference
cmrunpkg -n <node name to start package> -v <package to start> -> start a package, the -n option is optional if you are running directlly in the node that will recevei the package.
cmhaltpkg <package name> -> it will halt the package.
cmruncl -v -> this command will start the cluster showing detailed infos, ALL nodes of cluster will be started.
cmruncl -n <node1> -n <node2> -f -> This commando will start the cluster just using the nodes selected, remeber you can't start the cluster withou 50% of cluster, in this case is necessary recompile the cluster before.
cmhaltcl -vf -> it will halt the cluster.
cmmodpkg -n <node name> -e <package> ->Changes the properties of the packet switch, you can use it when the package was automaticly switched.
"Unable to run package XXXX on node NNN. Node is not eligible.
cmrunpkg: Unable to start some package or package instances"
cmmodpkg -e <package name> -> enable autorun.
Labels: Quick References
User ADM - Checking users
Follow some useful commands
Show logins ordering by number id
Verify last logins (read wtmps)
Verify last fails logins (read btmps)
See who are logged with yours ip address
who -T
Check LOCAL user id
id <user>
Check user local status
passwd -s <user>
Check NIS user details
ypcat passwd | grep <user>
finger <user>
Check LDAP user
ldaplist passwd <user>
Labels: NIS, Quick References
User Adm
MC ServiceGuard
Check version
Setting up a new cluster
How to validate some cluster/package?
Enable/Disable debug logging
Reasons for TOC
Re-import VG procedure
Whre's the control file of a package?
MC Serviceguard - Replace Quorum Server
Adding a new node in a running cluster
How to upgrade Serviceguard
Serviceguard - Change node ip address
Changing minimum requirement to password
Password policies - Trusted and Non-Trusted
untrusted <-> trusted system
Enable/Disable non-root login
Setting the minimum password size
Prevent re-use a password
Allowing logins specified period
Disabling last login information
Ipfilter - logging tcp/upd connections
Allow only direct root logins on the system console
Using the Restricted SMH Builder for Limited Superuser Access
Recovery root password (system non-trusted)
Adding timestamp after each command typed, using a trap
Restrict the access to the /etc/passwd file through ftp
Labels: Security
Adding network entry for client PA-RISC
Adding network entry for client Itanium
How to do backup with make_net_backup
Creating a Bootable Recovery Tape with a make_net_recovery archive
How to check the integrity of a tape made by make_tape_recovery (ia64)
Extending the root filesystem using a Ignite tape
Ignite - How to recover a single file from a Ignite tape?
[Ignite] Exclude certain Filesystems
Labels: Ignite
[IGNITE] Add a Network Entry for the Client to the IP Address File on the Server - pa-risc
Edit the /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file (don't worry that it appears to be [Read-only]):
# vi /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab
Add an entry for your client. If a network entry already exists for your client, you may edit it so it looks like the entry below. The client's MAC address should be in hexadecimal, with a leading “0x”.
Save the /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab file and exit vi:
[IGNITE] Add a Network Entry for the Client to the IP Address File on the Server - ia64
Collect client information. To allow a client to boot from the Ignite-UX server, you must add information about the client to the appropriate file on the Ignite-UX server. The following information is required:
->Hardware address (ha) – the client's MAC address.
->IP address (ip) – the client's assigned internet address.
For more information on adding client information to the /etc/bootptab file, see the documentation within the /etc/bootptab file and the HP-UX IP Address and Client Management Administrator's Guide: HP-UX 11i v2, HP-UX 11i v3, specifically the section on adding client or relay information. HP-UX technical documentation can be found at
Edit the /etc/bootptab file (don't worry that it appears to be [Read-only]):
# vi /etc/bootptab
Add an entry for your client. A typical bootptab file has a generic, default client specification defined, identified by tc=. In this example, ignite-defaults is that entry. If your bootptab has a different default specification, substitute it for ignite-defaults. The MAC address should be in hexadecimal, but without the leading “0x”.
The following is an example bootptab entry. For information on what each entry means, see bootpd(1M).
Save the /etc/bootptab file and exit vi:
Ativando Hyper-Treading (Itanium)
Primeiramente ao conceito de Hyper-Treading: Ele cria um segundo processador logico em um mesmo núcleo.
First of all let me show the concept of Hyper-Trading: It create a second logic processor in a single core.
Como verificar se esta ativo?
How to verify if is enable?
cpuconfig threads
parstatus -T
Como ativar?
How to enable it?
#setboot -m on
#kctune lcpu_attr=1
cpuconfig threads on
parmodify -pn -T y
Voce precisar reboot um npar para que as alterações sejam efetuadas.
"You must reset an nPartition after changing its Hyper-Threading status"
Hyperthreading não é suportado por HP Integrity Virtual Machines.
Hyperthreading is not supported with HP Integrity Virtual Machines .
Uma boa dica é fazer uma boa analise antes de executar o upgrade 11iv2 to 11iv3, esse comando é capaz de fazer essa analise para voce. Voce pode o obter através do link:
A good tip is to do a good analyze before to perform an upgrade, 11iv2 to 11iv3, that command can do it. You can download it through the follow link:
Labels: msv2v3check
How to prevent an individual user re-using a recently password (or as global policy)
How to prevent an individual user re-using a recently password (or as global policy):
Define an invidually "password depth":
#userdbset -u user PASSWORD_DEPTH=2
Define a global policy:
# vi /etc/default/security
This's applied just in Trusted Systems.
Labels: Trusted system
unlockable_mem (kernel) - Reservar memoria
Este parâmetro ja obsoleto no 11.31 praticamente ele procura reservar uma quantidade de memoria, evitando que algumas aplicações consumam 100% de memória e o server ficando incessível.
Valor default 0, a quantidade de memória setada obviamente é removida da quantidade de memória "lockable".
Configuration File - /etc/default/security - Alterar requerimentos minimos para um password
Min. upper case chars
(mínimo de caracteres maiusculos)
Min. lower case chars
(min de caracteres minusculos)
Min special chars
(min de caracteres especiais)
Configuration File - /etc/default/security - Habilitar ou desabilitar todos "non-root" login
Configuration File - /etc/default/security - Definir tamanho mínimo do password
Configuration File - /etc/default/security - Permitir (ou não) logar se o diretório home não existir
Postarei algumas opções desse configuration file muito uteis.
Permitir (ou não) logar se o diretório home não existir
Nobody is free from an unexpected crash, I'll leave some tips to help in this critical situation.
Some important logs:
System log after crash:
System log before crash:
Event log - some hardware problem?
You can do a MP dump to check others hardware logs.
Look for some "panic", this file hold some information about shutdow (who? when?)
If the /var/tombstone/ dir exist - This is normally the result of a piece of hardware causing a Group 1 interrupt, an HPMC.
Check the software:
# swlist -l product
# swlist -l bundle
Default crash place:
If the crash wasn't created automatic you can try use the "savecrash" command.
where's the crash?
If you can't find the crash in the default place, you can confirm the path in the bellow file:
CRASHINFO - Crash analisy
It can be download by hp software site, it's free, always use the last version.
After download..
Sent to server
It's necessary change the permision, adding execution to crashinfo.bin file (not necessarily 777).
# chmod 777 crashinfo.bin
getting the reports for analisy:
[Disk space ] It's recommended use the same memory size for crash zone, the system will send some warning to syslog when the size of /var is less than 500mb.
You can check a lot of important things in the bellow output:
#./crashinfo.bin -c > crash_c.out
#./crashinfo.bin -v > crash_v.out
Ninguém esta livre de um crash inesperado, nesta postagens dou algumas dicas para descobrir a origem de um crash, existem outros metodos, assinalo os que julgo importante.
Logs importantes quando acontece crash:
Log do sistema posterior ao boot:
Log do sistema anterior ao boot:
Event log - Hardware com problema?
É interessante fazer um dump dos logs da MP também para poder isolar qualquer problema.
Se o diretório /var/tombstone/ existir - Isto normalmente resulta de uma falhar de hardware, um HPMC.
Importar para constatar o crash:
Verificar pacotes:
# swlist -l product
# swlist -l bundle
Local padrão do arquivo de crash:
where's the crash?
Neste arquivo pode ser definido a localização dos arquivos de crash
Analisando o crash:Pode ser baixado através do site de "software" da hp, é free, procure sempre pegar a última versão.
Utilizando o crashinfo
Após baixar:
O envie para o servidor
Altere as permissões a modo que você consiga o executar, não necessariamente 777.
# chmod 777 crashinfo.bin
Obtendo os relatórios para análise:
Muito importante manter a área assinalada para receber o crash que tenha no minimo 1gb, quando esta área chegar a 500mb voce receberá mensagens no syslog da maquina indicando pouco espaço.
Através dos relatórios obtidos nos próximos passos voce podera analisar a origem do crash, quantidade memória livre no momento do crash entre outros dados úteis.
#./crashinfo.bin -c > crash_c.out
#./crashinfo.bin -v > crash_v.out
Labels: Crash