Creating a make_net_recovery Archive - Command Line

sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

This binary is part of Ignite-UX product.

I will some examples to explain how make_net_recovery works:

Archiving only essential core OS files

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -s <Ignite_server>

Archiving the complete root VG

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -Av -s <Ignite_server>

Archiving the complete root VG to a different archive location

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -Av -a host:/archive_server:archive_directory_path -s <Ignite_server>

Archiving complete VGs/disks and including and excluding files and directories

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -x inc_entire=vg00 -x inc_entire=vg01 -s <Ignite_server>

-x include=file|dir:
Includes the file or directory in the recovery archivebut does not cross any mount points.
-x inc_cross=file|dir:
Includes the file or directory in the recovery archiveand crosses mount points to access any directories that are mounted or filescontained in directories that are mounted.
-x exclude=file|dir:
Excludes the file or directory from the archive. Whena directory is specified, no files beneath that directory will be stored in thearchive.

Archiving choosing the archive contents in interactive mode

# /opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery –i -s <Ignite_server>

to run interactively to allow you to select whichfiles and directories are to be included in the recovery archive.

You can make the OS backup using others options like make_tape_recovery (the destination of your backup will be a tape driver and this subject is not covered here).