Creating a Bootable Recovery Tape with a make_net_recovery archive

sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

In some moments can be necessary use a tape driver to recovery you system rather of network, you can transfer your make_net_recovery archive to a tape. It is important that the archive fits onto a single tape.

Creating the LIF header (Boot Header)

# /usr/bin/cd /var/opt/ignite/clients/HOSTNAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER/recovery/2002-03-12,09:00
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_medialif \-f system_cfg -f control_cfg -f archive_cfg \-C "2002-03-12,09:00 HOSTNAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER recovery image" \-a -l /var/tmp/my_lif

Now modify the LIF file to set it up for use on the tape:

# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -d -F /var/tmp/my_lif > /var/tmp/cfg

Edit the /var/tmp/cfg file and add the following lines to the end of the file:
Or, if you just want the recovery to proceed without any interaction, make
run_ui FALSE
andspecify to allow warnings, as shown in the following:
control_from_server=FALSErun_ui=FALSEenv_vars += "INST_ALLOW_WARNINGS=10"Then, issue the following command:

# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm -F /var/tmp/my_lif -f /var/tmp/cfg

Writing the LIF Header and the network recovery archive onto tape

Create a DDS1 device file if you do not have one already. A DDS1 device file is compatiblewith most tape drives:

# /usr/sbin/ioscan -fCtape
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
tape 0 8/16/5.6.0 stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP C1533A

# /usr/sbin/mksf -v -H 8/16/5.6.0 -b DDS1 -n –a
This will create the device file, /dev/rmt/c1t6d0DDS1n, for example.

Rewind the tape and write the LIF Header and the archive onto the tape:

# /usr/bin/mt -t /dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n rew

# /usr/bin/dd if=/var/tmp/my_lif of=/dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n obs=2k# /usr/bin/dd \if=/var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives/sys1/2002-03-12,09:00of=/dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n obs=10k
Then rewind the tape again:
# /usr/bin/mt -t /dev/rmt/c1t0d0DDS1n rew