Glance Adviser script - Lan statistics

sábado, 21 de julho de 2012

This example will produce packet level statistics (in, out, collisions, errors...) for every lan interface in the server.


# initialize variables:
netif_to_examine = ""   # lan0 would only report on lan0, etc.
headers_printed = headers_printed

netif loop {
# print information for the selected interface or if null THEN all:
  IF (BYNETIF_NAME == netif_to_examine) or
     (netif_to_examine == "") THEN

    # print headers the first time through the loop:
    IF headers_printed == 0 THEN

      print "Date     Time    Interface  InPkts OutPkts  OutQ  Colls  Errs"
      print "   "

      headers_printed = 1
    # print one line per interface reported:
    # (note that some interface types do not report collisions or errors)
print "  "

Execute your lan script (lan.cfg) now:
# glance -j 5 -adviser_only -syntax lan.cfg -iterations 3

Welcome to GlancePlus

Date     Time    Interface  InPkts OutPkts  OutQ  Colls  Errs
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan0          3      2     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan3         35     39     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan6         31     32     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan7         50     31     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan8          0      0     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan4          0      0     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan9          0      0     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan10         0      0     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan11         0      0     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lan5          3      2     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:00 lo0          26     26     0     na      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan0         13      7     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan3        173    230     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan6        121    129     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan7        197    142     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan8          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan4          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan9          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan10         1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan11         1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lan5         13      7     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:05 lo0           3      3     0     na      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan0         12      7     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan3        151    221     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan6         97    105     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan7        165    126     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan8          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan4          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan9          1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan10         1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan11         1      1     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lan5         12      7     0      0      0
04/28/04 15:01:10 lo0           0      0     0     na      0

You can redirect the output for a file.