(GSP) Basically you need the cclogview tool, it is part of the Contrib-Tools product.
Follow an example (reduced and detailed):
To get reduced view:
# cclogview -k /var/stm/logs/os/ccerrlog | grep HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
471 PM 0 *14 0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e0316141c17 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
762 PM 0 *14 0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e05070a0f39 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
To get the detailed view:
# cclogview -d /var/stm/logs/os/ccerrlog
471 PM 0 *14 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE 04/22/2010 20:28:23
Log Entry 471: 04/22/2010 20:28:23
Alert Level 14: Fatal PWR or environmental problem; Keyword: HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
Housekeeping power supply 1 output undervoltage error; Status: 15
Logged by power monitor 0 during monitoring of low voltage power supply
0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e0316141c17
(MP) you can use the slview contrib tool to read the fpl logs in the /var/stm/logs/os dir, with -f you choose the raw log file you wan't to use, and then you get a cli interface that is just the same as the one in the MP SEL log:
# /usr/sbin/diag/contrib/slview -f /var/stm/logs/os/fpl.log.06
Welcome to the FPL (Forward Progress Log) Viewer 1.2
The following FPL navigation commands are available:
D: Dump log starting at current block for capture and analysis
F: Display first (oldest) block
L: Display last (newest) block
J: Jump to specified entry and display previous block
+: Display next (forward in time) block
-: Display previous (backward in time) block
: Repeat previous +/- command
?: Display help
q: Exit viewer
More info on slview:
MP/GSP logs from OS
sábado, 31 de março de 2012