MP/GSP logs from OS

sábado, 31 de março de 2012

(GSP) Basically you need the cclogview tool, it is part of the Contrib-Tools product.
Follow an example (reduced and detailed):
To get reduced view:
# cclogview -k /var/stm/logs/os/ccerrlog | grep HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
471 PM 0 *14 0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e0316141c17 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
762 PM 0 *14 0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e05070a0f39 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE

To get the detailed view:
# cclogview -d /var/stm/logs/os/ccerrlog
471 PM 0 *14 HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE 04/22/2010 20:28:23
Log Entry 471: 04/22/2010 20:28:23
Alert Level 14: Fatal PWR or environmental problem; Keyword: HKP_UNDRVOLTAGE
Housekeeping power supply 1 output undervoltage error; Status: 15
Logged by power monitor 0 during monitoring of low voltage power supply
0x582008e44501404f 0x00006e0316141c17

(MP) you can use the slview contrib tool to read the fpl logs in the /var/stm/logs/os dir, with -f you choose the raw log file you wan't to use, and then you get a cli interface that is just the same as the one in the MP SEL log:
# /usr/sbin/diag/contrib/slview -f /var/stm/logs/os/fpl.log.06
Welcome to the FPL (Forward Progress Log) Viewer 1.2
The following FPL navigation commands are available:
D: Dump log starting at current block for capture and analysis
F: Display first (oldest) block
L: Display last (newest) block
J: Jump to specified entry and display previous block
+: Display next (forward in time) block
-: Display previous (backward in time) block
: Repeat previous +/- command
?: Display help
q: Exit viewer
More info on slview:


Ignite - How to recover a single file from a Ignite tape?

terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

First of all you have to skip the tape header:

It's different for each platform:

If you have Itanium..

# mt fsf 22


# mt fsf 1

Now use the tar command to recover the file. We are recovering the OLDsyslog in our example.

# tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0mn var/adm/syslog/OLDsyslog.log

If you are not using the /dev/rmt/0mn you have to specify in the mt command.

What's the IP of my MP?

domingo, 11 de março de 2012

This tip is applicable for the newer Itanium. If you don't know the IP address of console...

# /opt/propplus/bin/cprop -detail -c "Management Processor"

You can use the cprop to perform a health check in the hardware (if the hardware is supported for this tool). Remembering in the newer Blade system you can't use the cstm, this tool can replace it in the most activies.

How to reset the GSP by command line?

sábado, 10 de março de 2012

When you run this command you will get a prompt on the console: "Press 'p' now to clear all GSP passwords and users...". If you press "p" and then confirm it (you only have a few seconds to respond), the GSP user/password info is wiped. Your LAN info is kept however.
# stty +resetGSP </dev/GSPdiag1
Check the GSP state:
# stty +queryGSP < /dev/GSPdiag1

NIS - Who is the NIS master?

The follow command will return the NIS master is use:

# ypwhich -m passwd

Password policies - Trusted and Non-Trusted

sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Non-Trusted Systems
Configuration file used to set/get password policies:


There're few options to configure in a non-trusted system, like the Password expiration and number of weeks before the password can be changed again.
You can check the security (4) man page for more details.
If you are using a non-trusted system is recommended use at least shadow to improve the security so you can edit some rules individually using the passwd command, like the password age, check their man page. Use pwconv to enable shadow and use pwck to check /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow integrity.
The following attributes, defined in /etc/default/security, apply to shadow passwords:
Number of days before expiring an account for inactivity.
Minimum number of days before a password can be changed.
Maximum number of days that passwords are valid.
Number of days before warning users of password expiration.

Trusted Systems

Configuration file used to set password policies:


You have many option to configure in a Trusted System all those configuration files are ASC files, so you can edit it but isn't indicated do that, the best to do here is do through SAM.

The /tcb/files/auth/system/default is a file used as a global policies for all users, you can edit some policies to be applied individually, that is stored in the /tcb/files/auth/*. If a capability is not explicitly listed individually it will assume the default behavior for that capability as specified in the system-wide defaults file /tcb/files/auth/system/default..
There's another files external to TCB, /etc/default/security, that can be used to apply another policies, like the "PASSWORD_HISTORY_DEPTH", There are significantly more features available in the /etc/default/security file that do not need Trusted Systems to be configured (if the file doesn't exist, just create it).
You can check the security (4) man page for more details.

After change anything here, it's a good idea to check the consistency .
root@SERVER[/] authck -vp