How do I install a software with Codeword ?

terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

You can type de Codeword direct on command line (using as paramter of swinstall):
-x codeword=xxxx and -x customer_id=xxx

Or via the Graphical User Interface (using the [Add New Codeword on "swinstall -i"] choice from the [Actions] menu).

Each Codeword is only applicable to a CD or DVD with a specific part number.

AutoFS - Automount

sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013

The first step is export the FS to be used on NFS server.
If you don't know how to do that, check the link bellow.

Configuring NFS server

Before to configure autoFS in your client is better check if you can see the nfs FS in your client.
# showmount -e <nfs server>
The return will be the list of what is exported on nfs server and who is allowed to mount/access.

If everything is right until this point... configure the autoFS:
Include on /etc/auto_master what you want mount, we are using the FS /user/home in our example.
# vi /etc/auto_master
/users/home     /etc/auto_home  -nosuid,intr,soft,rsize=32768,wsize=32768

Include on /etc/auto_home the address of your FS (NFS server and mount point):
*       <nfs server>:/home/&

Restart automount
/sbin/init.d/nfs.client stop
/sbin/init.d/nfs.client start

Enable the auto start of AutoFS editing /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf:


LDAP-UX - How to setup LDAP-UX to authenticate on OpenLDAP

First of all, LDAP-UX does not support updating an OpenLDAP directory, so to get this to work, add the following profile to the LDAP directory (requires the DUAConfig.schema and possibly ldap-printer.schema):

dn: cn=uxprofile,ou=Profiles,dc=example,dc=com
cn: uxprofile
objectClass: DUAConfigProfile
defaultSearchBase: dc=example,dc=com
defaultSearchScope: one
profileTTL: 3600
serviceSearchDescriptor: passwd:OU=People,DC=example,DC=com
serviceSearchDescriptor: group:OU=Group,DC=example,DC=com
authenticationMethod: tls:simple
defaultServerList: <space separated list of LDAP server hosts:ports>

If you don't have the LDAP-UX package installed...

# swinstall -s /yourDepot

Create a key-store:

/opt/ldapux/contrib/bin/certutil -N -d /etc/opt/ldapux

Import the CA cert:
/opt/ldapux/contrib/bin/certutil -A -n ca-cert -t "C,," -d /etc/opt/ldapux -a -i cacert.crt

Configure LDAP-UX:
...specify TLS and use port 389.

NOTE: do NOT attempt to extend any sachems -- OpenLDAP does not support this.