MC Serviceguard - Replace Quorum Server

domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2012

The first step is stop completely the cluster.. you can't do that without stop your cluster.

for each package:

# cmhaltpkg <package_name>

Stop the cluster:

# cmhaltcl

Now change the Quorun server:

# vi /etc/cmcluster/cmclconfig.ascii
QS_HOST quorum-server

Apply changes:

# cmapplyconf -v -C cmclconfig.ascii

Check the cluster configuration:

# cmcheckconf -v -C cmclconfig.ascii

Star the cluster again:

# cmruncl -v

Now check if the new quorum server is in use.

# cmviewcl -v

What's mean the Serial Number?

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

See the explanation using the follow serial number as example:


The first two characters are the country code, in our example Germany (DE)
The third character is the code of the supply site (H ->Herrenberg, Germany)
The next three characters are the date of manufacture, the first digit is for the year then two for the calendar week (238 -> 38th week of 2002)
The last four characters are a sequential ID on that particular week (1234)

CSE - Speciality in Networking and Security - HP-UX 11i v3

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

I have completed the last exam to complete the "CSE - Speciality in Networking and Security - HP-UX 11i v3". For those interested and take the exam:

Register for this certification in The Learning Center

Complete prerequisites:
CSA - HP-UX 11iv3
The current CSA exam:
Exam HP0-P20 HP-UX 11iv3 System Administration

Complete requirements:
Core requirement #1
Exam HP0-P21 HP-UX 11iv3 Advanced System Administration

Core requirement #2
Exam HP0-P17 HP-UX 11i v3 Security Administration

Just to remember, now to schedule the certification exam you have to do through "Pearson Vue", you can't do it more through Prometric.

Useful links:

HP - CSE Speciality in Networking and Security - HP-UX 11i v3

Pearson Vue - HP

IP forwarding

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

Check the current state:
# ndd -get /dev/ip ip_forwarding

(0 = disable, 2 = enable)
to enable use the follow command:
# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 2

# ndd -set /dev/ip ip_forwarding 0

If you want leave this configuration permanet you have to add the follow lines in nddconf file
ndd conf file: /etc/rc.config.d/nddconf

lines that need be edited:

Disable password age for all user

Sure, there's another methods to do that less fun :)
#for i in `awk -F ":" '{print $1}' /etc/passwd`
        passwd -x -1 $i

Installing Powerpath (EMC)

First of all is necessary send the depot to server, download always the last version.
Obs. It's necessary reboot the server.

This command will install the patch:
#swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false -s /tmp/EMCPower.HP.4.1.0.tar EMCpower
Where "-s" will receive the full path of the patch.

It's time to configure now:
This command will ask te registration key.
#emcpreg -install  
#powermt config
#powermt set policy=so dev=all

#powermt save

You can check your disks:
# powermt display dev=all

Check the powerpath configuration:
# powermt display

Checking the HP-UX installation date

Follow some solution:

Using print_manifest:

# print_manifest | grep -i "The system was created"
Using swlist:

# swlist -l bundle -v HPUXBaseOS | grep mod_date


# swlist -a install_date -l product | grep -i os-core

What's the patch installation date?

There's different mothods to do that:

1 - Using swlist:

# swlist -l patch -a revision -a title -a state -a install_date

This is the date format:

2 - Using "ls":

# ls -dltr /var/adm/sw/products/PH*

Check the creation date on output.